Registration Links
Session schedules + pricing can be found under Schedules, and details about each class + ages can be found under Programs..
New Members
If you have never been a member with us, create a profile for yourself, then go to Profile, then Family and add your children by clicking Add New Family Member.Search classes to see costs, availability, and register!
Forgotten Password
DO NOT create a new account if you've already made one. Click on forgot password if you cannot remember it, or email us if you cannot remember what email address you have used. Creating a duplicate account may result in higher fees as the system will not recognize your current membership for this season.
Registration FAQ
You can add your child to our waitlists for any classes that are full by following these steps:
1. Search for the class you are looking to enroll in.
2. Once you have found the right listing, select the 'Add to Waitlist' button at the top right of the listing.
3. Continue to do this for any waitlists you would like to add them to if you want to select more than one waitlist or add another child.
4. Proceed to the checkout with your cart items to finalize their positions on the waitlist. It will not charge you for a waitlist item. Note: If a spot opens, we will contact you through the system with an invitation to the invoice to accept the spot. Your spot will be held for 24 hours before expiring once the invoice is sent, or 12 hours once the session has begun. To avoid missing our email or having it sent to your spam/junk mail, you can add the following email to your contact list:
1. Search for the class you are looking to enroll in.
2. Once you have found the right listing, select the 'Add to Waitlist' button at the top right of the listing.
3. Continue to do this for any waitlists you would like to add them to if you want to select more than one waitlist or add another child.
4. Proceed to the checkout with your cart items to finalize their positions on the waitlist. It will not charge you for a waitlist item. Note: If a spot opens, we will contact you through the system with an invitation to the invoice to accept the spot. Your spot will be held for 24 hours before expiring once the invoice is sent, or 12 hours once the session has begun. To avoid missing our email or having it sent to your spam/junk mail, you can add the following email to your contact list:
When creating your account, create the profile for yourself first, with your name and date of birth, as it will prompt you to add your children as users after that. When registering, select your child's profile.
If it does not prompt you to add your child to your account, you can add new family members to your account by going to Profile > Family > Add New Family Member. You do not have to input an email address for them, the system will generate an automated one for them.
If it does not prompt you to add your child to your account, you can add new family members to your account by going to Profile > Family > Add New Family Member. You do not have to input an email address for them, the system will generate an automated one for them.